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Bluffton schools education format and meals update

It is the school's mission to find the balance between providing a solid education and not overly burdening our students as they learn outside the traditional supports that are provided by a face-to-face setting

The following letter is on the Bluffton school website:

As we move into a new form of teaching and learning, Bluffton Schools are looking to provide the very best education possible to our students.

Our approaches will not be perfect, but please be assured that we will work hard and continue to improve and eventually excel at our new delivery formats.

It is our mission to find the balance between providing a solid education and not overly burdening our students as they learn outside the traditional supports that are provided by a face-to-face setting.

We appreciate your patience with us as we work to find this balance. 

By now, teachers have been in contact with parents and students regarding what each particular class will look like in its new setting.

If you have any questions, please email the respective teacher.

All school email addresses follow the same format: last name of teacher, followed by first initial, and ending in For example: [email protected].

If you do not know a particular teacher’s first initial, you can check the school directory for a list of names on the homepage. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions. Teachers, counselors, the principals, and I are all available to provide help and answer questions.

It is likely that this new form of delivery will be in place for the rest of the school year.  Therefore, as much as possible, it is important to establish routines with our students as they navigate learning from home.

Daily boundaries of schoolwork time and break-time will help provide stability and continuity to learning. We understand that some older students may be watching younger siblings, cousins, neighbors, etc. during the day. As a result, their routines may need to shift to doing classwork later in the day or during the evening hours.  

As a reminder, Bluffton Schools will be offering grab and go breakfast and lunch for our students on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.  This program is open to all students. Students will be able to grab two breakfasts and two lunches on Mondays and Wednesdays, with one breakfast and one lunch on Fridays.  

Two options are available to sign up for the breakfast and lunch program: 

Method #1 (preferred method) 

Use the Google form to sign up. Just go the each weekend and sign your child/children up for the week ahead. 

Method- #2  

Email Rosanne Garmatter at [email protected]. Each weekend, email Rosanne and provide the student’s cafeteria meal number or the student’s name (if you or the student do not know the meal number). 

Two locations will be available for pick-up. When you sign up to participate, please indicate where you would like to pick-up your meals:

1.  Bluffton Middle School on Jackson Street 
2.  Beaverdam Church of Christ, 308 E. Main Street Beaverdam

We plan to run this program indefinitely, unless we are directed that we can no longer provide this service.  

The school lunch program is a federally regulated program and students must qualify to receive free and reduced lunches. However, during this time, any family in financial need can contact any of the Bluffton School offices and we will make sure that your child is offered a free breakfast or lunch. Please contact the school: 
419-358-7941 Bluffton High School
419-358-7961 Bluffton Middle School
419-358-7951 Bluffton Elementary  

Thank you again for your understanding during this time.  We will all get through this together.  

We live in a wonderful, vibrant, community, with terrific parents, students, and staff. I have no doubt that together we can successfully work through this and other challenges ahead.
- Sincerely, Greg Denecker 
