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Ada's Park in the Park on Saturday

Trophies, plaques in 18 different vehicle classes

This sounds like fun.

A “Park in the Park” car event takes place from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 18, in the Ada War Memorial Park.

Kent and Dee Everhart host the event in appreciation to the Ada community for its 25 years of support of Everhart Trucking, which the couple sold earlier this year.

Car owners may register vehicles, open to all years of cars, motorcycles and trucks. Registration continues during the event until 6 p.m.

Trophies and plaques will be awarded at 6 p.m. in 18 different vehicle classes. A donation of $10 per entry is appreciated.

Kent Everhart said that donations will support local veterans. 

The Park in the Park is free and open to the public.
