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A trick-or-treat word of caution

From the Ohio Department of Health

The Ohio Department of Health offers caution during tonight’s local public trick-or-treating.

General guidance
Consider the people in your household who may be at greater risk of complications if COVID-19 is brought into the home, such as those with certain health conditions, women who are pregnant, or older family members.

For parents
• If taking your children trick-or-treating, limit the number of houses you visit and ask your children to stay as far from treat-givers as possible. For small children, consider holding the bag for them. 

• Wipe off candy wrappers with sanitizing wipes when you arrive home. (NOTE: Never wipe unpackaged food with wipes.) 

• Allow children to eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid homemade treats made by strangers. 

For community members
• For trick-or-treating, reach out to neighbors to discuss ways to ensure 6-foot social distancing, how candy can most safely be distributed, and the need for face coverings. 

• Refrain from having children select their own treats from a bowl/common container or set up a hand-sanitizing station. 

• Consider lining up individually wrapped goodie bags on porch steps, a table in the driveway, or the edge of the driveway or yard with a sign asking children to take only one. 

• If you are preparing goodie bags, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 second before and after preparing the bags. 
