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What I’ve learned this year

As a high school columnist on the Icon

By Amelia Alexander
Ada High School Icon columnist

I have learned so much from writing here in the Icon, so I wanted to reflect on this school year and everything that I have learned from this experience so far. 

1-  Giving myself grace and pushing through my own short-comings
I’ve had to learn how to produce two articles a month on top of school and sports. If I really needed to, I could take a break from this column, but I really want to stick with it, so I haven’t. 


John D. and Elizabeth Moser Bösiger

Our Swiss connection - part 28

This is the 28th installment in this series. Click here for the previous installment.

This column's focus is John D. and Elizabeth Moser Bösiger.

Elizabeth's parents were Johannes and Elisabeth Müller Moser were both born in Switzerland. 

Johannes Moser was born in the late 1700s. He is not to be confused with Rev. John Moser (1826-1908), who was a minister in the community.


Dr. J.J. and Susan Lugibihl Sutter

Our Swiss connection - part 27

This is the 27th installment in this series. Click here for the previous installment.

An earlier column in this series focused on Abraham and Anna Locher Lugibihl. This column features Abraham and Anna’s daughter, Susan, and her husband Dr. John J. Sutter.

Susan married Dr. John J. Sutter. His parents were Johannes (or John) and Elizabeth Waltï Sutter.


Icon music review: Five hot songs about coffee

I’d cut down on drinking caffeine, but these songs make me thirsty for more coffee

Reviewed/written by Craig Hoffman 
If my heart stopped at this second, the police would find some change, a health insurance card, and a coupon for a free cup of coffee on my person. My potential demise aside, here are some great songs about my favorite morning beverage. Do you agree? Let the Icon know in the comments!

“The Coffee Song”- Frank Sinatra (1946)


The Never Ending Path

Column by Bluffton High School senior, Tayler Nowak

By Tayler Nowak
Bluffton High School senior

I wrote ‘The Never Ending Path’ partly for myself and partly for my mother, trying to make sense of something that I didn’t believe anyone ever would. A more detailed explanation at at the bottom of this column.


Forgotten Bluffton: Airmail delivery in 1938

83 years ago this week in Bluffton

Air mail delivery in Bluffton?
83 years ago?
Yes, and here’s proof.

Susie Gilliland of Bluffton shared proof of this event with the Icon earlier this week. Here’s a letter postmarked from Bluffton on May 19, 1938. The letter was send to Susie’s father, Wayne Matter, who at the time was a pre-teenager living in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Wayne as an adult returned to Bluffton and was active in many aspects of the community including serving as mayor.

