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Fl0wer: A Playstation 3 game for everyone

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #17
Developer: That Game Company
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platform: Playstation 3
Rating: E for Everyone

The current generation of video game consoles has teamed up with the internet to deliver a new (to consoles, at least) medium known as Downloadable Content (DLC). Sometimes DLC is a whole game-albeit usually much smaller in scale than a full retail release-and sometimes it's an addition to an existing game.


Popcorn, hummus, cheese, shoofly pie and Scrabble?

Sunday night supper at the Pannabecker homestead always meant popcorn, veggies, fruit, cheese, and once in awhile...pop or milkshakes. Growing up in the 50s-60s-70s was the era of family-style eating, something that many of today's family find simply impossible. And yes, that probably ages me. So what?


Optimist trumps pessimism...every time

They say that to be happy and positive, one must surround oneself with happy and positive people. Don't ask me who "they" are. I only know that I keep reading this -- as if the statement was directed toward me. I'm not the most positive person in the world; the optimist in me is frequently overcome by the pessimist.


Bobo Brazil and Dick the Bruiser in Bluffton?

There is but one full bath in our house. Which - depending on one's perspective - can be a good thing or a bad thing. Most of the time it's not a big deal...except when two girls and their guys are visiting, or when two of us are vying for the sink at the same time.

On the other hand, given the statistics that spouses speak to each other only 11 minutes a day, a single full bath per household might increase those numbers. Might increase the divorce rate too.


Game reviews: Bayonetta

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #16
Developer: Platinum Games
Publisher: Sega
Platform: Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Rating: M for Mature


Zen and the art of cleaning house

I'm supposed to be cleaning. But hey, what's-his-name said he was going to clean and then disappeared to the basement. Which means that he's not cleaning.

But I will. Really. I have this thing about cleaning on Friday nights. This started long ago when we were first married, living in the palatial duplex that overlooked the railroad tracks. That was one heck of an apartment and no amount of cleaning ever really produced anything other than what it was. An ugly apartment with a view of every train that passed through town.

