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Blood drive at St. Mary's, July 25

The American Red Cross asks donors to make and keep appointments this July at one of several area locations to help meet life-saving transfusion needs this summer.

To make an appointment, visit

St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Bluffton will serve as the host site for a blood drive Thursday, July 25 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Two different types of blood donations will be administered, Whole and Power Red.

Listed below are additional blood drive dates and locations.


New Wilson Football Factory holds media spotlight on Ada, Ohio

News from

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The July 8 community celebration of the new Wilson Football Factory, 517 E Highland Ave, held the media spotlight on Ada, Ohio for a second week. For this event, Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted was the honored guest speaker of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce and Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance.


Lack of safety belt usage prevalent in July 4th weekend traffic fatalities

The Ohio State Highway Patrol is reporting 16 people lost their lives in 15 traffic crashes during the July Fourth reporting period, which began Wednesday, July 3 at midnight and ended Sunday, July 7 at 11:59 p.m.


Obituary for Melanie Frances Mathewson Horn

With great sadness, we announce the passing of Melanie Frances Mathewson Horn, 29, of Ohio City.


Bluffton historical society meets July 10

Annual membership is $25

The July 10 meeting of the Bluffton Ohio Historical Society has an agenda including: Grant opportunities, committee updates and Bluffton History Day plans.


Bluffton Forever website gifted to historical society

BOHS debuts with August 10 Bluffton History Day

The Bluffton Ohio Historical Society is the new owner of the popular Bluffton historical website The announcement was made by Ron Epp, society president, and Fred Steiner, creator of the website.

