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Historical Bluffton

Were you in Bluffton HS's Hi-Y?

A club that no longer exists in Bluffton schools is Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y. Both groups were open to sophomores through seniors and were related to YMCAs. Here are the girl Hi-Y members at BHS during the 1959-60 school year.

1959 Methodist celebration

In 1959 First United Methodist Church observed its 125th anniversary. Here is the anniversary committee.

From left, Mrs. Clarence Gleason, Forrest Steinman, Mrs. Hiram Huser and the Rev. James Heininger.

Standing from left E. James Szabo and A.J.B. Longsdorf. Mr. Longsdorf and Mrs. Huser co-chaired the committee.

These kids grew up in the Great Depression

Here's the Bluffton High School class of 1951 as sophomores - taken during the 1948-49 school year. They were born in the early 1930s and experienced the Great Depression as youngsters.

Roller skates from an earlier era

Let's place this photo in the spring of the 1971-72 school year. That's our guess. Viewers may offer other suggestions.

Todd Gratz took this photo of five BHS girls on roller skates - long before the popular skates of today were invented. You needed to lock these skates on your shoes.

From left, Alice Moser, Anita Baker, Diana Amstutz, Rosie Rodabaugh and Bev McCune.

Bluffton College women's bball team 1977-78

Here's the Bluffton College women's basketball team from the 1977-78 season.

Standing from left, Linda Heiman, Jean Chamberlin, Pris Funk, Sherry King (coach), Mary Cypers, Sherry Brielmaier, Sue Cramer.

Front from left, Amy Streb, Lori Gratz, Jan Althaus, Dru Yoder and Cathy Schroer.

Two members of the team were Bluffton High School grads: Lori Gratz and Sue Cramer.

91 years ahead of their time

Here are some familiar Bluffton names...Lehman, Steiner, Hilty, Sprunger, Lugibihl, Gratz, Gerber, Schumacher, Diller...and the list goes on.

It's the Bluffton College women's Hiking Club from the 1924-25 school year. Look closely. You might find a great-grandmother in this photo, that appears to be taken on the Ropp Hall steps.
