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My Favorite Year - photos 4, 5, 6

Enter the Icon's newest contest

This week’s Icon contest took 147 years to put together. 

The Icon invites viewers to enter “My Favorite Year” contest. The winner will receive a 14-inch, 1-item Padrone’s Pizza. 

Click here to view photos 1, 2 and 3.


Tip from the Icons and Ohio News Media Association

Tip from the Icons and Ohio News Media Association.


Invitation to enter "My Favorite Year" contest

Identify locations of photos attached - winner receives a Padrone's Pizza

This week’s Icon contest took 147 years to put together. 

The Icon invites viewers to enter “My Favorite Year” contest. The winner will receive a 14-inch, 1-item Padrone’s Pizza. 

Here’s how to play:
• Between today and Thursday, May 21, the Icon will post 10 photo from Main Street Bluffton buildings that have years listed on them. The photos will be post by 7 a.m. each morning of the contest, on the following schedule:


Tip from the Icons and Ohio News Media Association

Tip from the Icons and Ohio News Media Association.


Icon poll shows viewers' feelings about students studying at home

Icon viewers who are parents of K to 5th grade students told us how their children have adapted to learning at home. For the most part viewers claim it's a bit of both - exellent and frustrating.

Take the Icon's newest poll: Now that Ohio is beginning to reopen its businesses for shopping, what’s your comfort level of entering a store to make a purchase?


Poll: Ohioans trust DeWine over White House

As Ohio waits to hear Governor Mike DeWine’s detailed plans to begin lifting stay-at-home restrictions, a new statewide poll shows that 70% of Ohioans prioritize public health over the economy. 

The Baldwin Wallace University Ohio Poll also shows that 85% of voters in the Buckeye State approve of DeWine’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to 50% who approve of how President Donald Trump has handled the crisis. That Ohio gap has widened by five points since a BW Great Lakes Poll conducted in late March.

