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Letter: Bluffton PTO seeks donations to its bakery Bingo

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Each year, the Bluffton Elementary PTO holds a Bakery Bingo fundraiser. The family event is well-attended by Bluffton families and community members. This year it is scheduled for February 1st, 2014.


Letter: What very few fans knew about the 1958 BHS football team - scouts

I enjoyed Ron Habegger's perspective on the 1958 BHS football team… he was right “we were making memories.”

What he didn’t say was that this team was considered (in 1958) one of the best BHS football teams ever. This was a time before there were state rankings or a playoff system. There were less then 30 members on the team which, required starters to go both ways, but there was a lot of depth in positions and everyone played.


Letter: What Bluffton pizza shop had "dots" on the side flaps?

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A Facebook conversation about former Bluffton pizza places had me wondering: Can we come up with a list of names and locations from the past 20 or 30 years? 

Aside from Pisanello's, Domino's, and That 50's Place, a few others have been mentioned -- some of which I remember, others I am not so sure (KZ? Mr. B's?). 

In particular, I've been trying to come up with the name of a pizza place from the mid-1980s that had "dots" on the side flaps of the box, which you could collect to earn a free pizza. 


Letter: I congratulate Ebenezer Mennonite for its world evangelism priority

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With great interest I read in the Ebenezer Mennonite church bulletin (now called, Ebenezer Emissary) that the Ebenezer Church in its recent Missionary Conference surpassed the $250,000 goal for the 2014 Missionary Budget by $5,000.


Letter: Bluffton kindergarteners need a Girl Scout leader


Last week the Bluffton Girl Scouts enjoyed a “Christmas Camp” overnight at Woodhaven Program Center. The girls spent time roasting their supper over an open fire, doing crafts, games and campfire songs, and even dancing to some Christmas Zumba tunes.


Letter: We object to the use of violence as a solution in Syria

Bluffton, OH; Saturday, September 7, 12:00 noon the public gathered at St. Mary's Catholic Church for a time of prayer and fasting for peace in Syria. People of all backgrounds and faiths came together to fast and pray for the people of Syria. Forty citizens signed the following letter.

We object to the use of violence as a solution in Syria for the following reasons

1. In a military strike, it is likely that Assad would be absolutely the last person in the country to get hurt.

