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On the Rhodes State College dean's list

Several Bluffton and area students were named to the summer semester dean's list at Rhodes State College.

Part-time -
Ryan Perry
Kelli Stoner
Traci Anne Heinze
Zane William Maize
Nicole Rechel Starkey

One night a week

Morgann Rode


Eli Okuley wins several awards at Allen County Fair

Eli Okuley, Bluffton seventh grader, was very successful in several areas in this year's Allen County Fair. He is a four-year member of the Bunny Booster 4-H Club.

His fair awards follow:


Craig von Stein named VP/business banking officer at CNB

Citizens National Bank has named Craig von Stein as VP/business banking officer for its Bluffton office. 

In this position he is responsible for establishing new commercial and agricultural banking relationships for CNB, as well as analyzing current customer portfolios on a regular basis.

von Stein attended Cory-Rawson High School and is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a degree in Agri-Business and Applied Economics. He spent several years in sales at a farm equipment dealership in Ottawa and Bowling Green.


Here's September's MMH worship leaders

September worship services are set at Mennonite Memorial Home. Here's the schedule:
Sundays - 9:30 a.m.
4th - Chaplain Bill Herr
11th - Rev. Don Clinger
18th - Rev. Mioke Downey
25th - Chaplain Bill Herr

Tuesdays - 6:30 p.m.
6th - Rev. Jack Duffy, First Baptist, Ada
13th - To be announced
20th - Rev. David Good, Bluffton Presbyterian
27th - Rev. Lynn Thompson, St. John Mennonite


David Hooley teaching in Kenya: When teaching has an impact you can see

By Jennifer Steiner
MCC, Great Lakes communications coordinator

Bluffton High School graduate David Hooley knew education was important, but not until he taught in Kenya did he really see the impact of his work.

He recently completed a one-year Serving and Learning Together (SALT) assignment with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in Songhor, Kenya, where he taught physics and math to students at Songhor Secondary School.


Lions District Governor visits Bluffton - on her 'cycle

Lions District Governor Sheryl Burnette was a recent Bluffton Lions Club guest.

She told the Lions members that her number one goal is to have fun.  

Speaking to Lions, she stressed that Lions clubs serve in the four areas of youth, vision, hunger and environment. The international goal of Lions is to serve 100 million people in these four areas.

“So far, 93 million people have been involved. Lions should lead through service, connect through commitments and invite our neighbors to join our clubs,” the district governor said.

