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138th Bluffton HS commencement on Saturday

Meet the BHS class of 2019

The 138th annual Bluffton High School commencement is Saturday, May 25, in the high school gym. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the ceremony takes place at 7 p.m.

This year’s valedictorians are Seth Andreas, Madeline Burghaze, Kennedy Coughlan, Rhett Donaldson, Amelia Mitchell, Katie Prater, Lily Shadle, Amanda Speicher and Hannah Yost. The class salutatorian is Jackson Steinmetz.

Members of the graduating class follow:


Weather for May 14 to 20

Here is the weather report covering May 14 to 20.


Personnel and finance committees meet Friday

Bluffton council will hold as personnel committee and finance committee meeting at noon, Friday, May 24, in the town hall.


Bluffton village clean-up week May 22 - May 28

The village of Bluffton's spring clean-up week starts Wednesday, May 22, and runs through Tuesday, May 28, according to Bryan Lloyd, assistant village administrator.

Dumpsters will be located at the village brush dump on Spring Street during this period.

Items not permitted to dump are household hazardous materials, paint, used motor oil, car batteries and tires. The premises will be under video surveillance and the clean-up week is only for residents of the village.


Food Pantry cupboards need your attention

Community Assistance Program lists current needs

The Bluffton Food Pantry's supplies are running a bit low and could use some reinforcements, according to Ed Yeager, board president of the Bluffton Community Assistance Program.

Item may be delivered to St. John’s United Church of Christ.

There are some needs for the next couple of months.



The Icon spotted IMSRH in the Bluffton Hospital parking lot on a red Cadillic SRX 4.

