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August 2011 was wetter than normal

August was a wet month based on Bluffton weather history standards. August, 2011, registered 6.03 inches of rainfall. The normal average precitation for Augsut is 3.43 inches, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Here are some other August weather stats:

Average August daily high: 83.4 degrees
Average August daily low: 61.4
Average August daily temperature: 72.5
Normal average August daily temperature: 70.5

August's high temperature: 94 on Aug. 1
August's low temperature: 52 on Aug. 11


BFR Sports and Fitness starts new program year - classes for all ages

Youth and adult programs are starting up for the fall at BFR. After school sport skill classes will begin the week of Sept. 5.

The fall adult fitness class schedule is currently underway. Soccer Intramurals for youth ages 4 and 5 will begin Sept. 13. All BFR programs are open to the public. For more information about youth classes, visit the web site or stop by the facility.



The Icon spotted this plate near the Sportmen's Depot during a recent American Legion Post meeting. The plate's owner is a Korean Conflict veteran.


2.43 inches of rain on Aug. 23

How much rain was in your rain guage on Aug. 23? Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, recorded nearly 2 1/2 inches. Here the weather summary for the past seven day.

Date High Temp. Low Temp. Prec.


Births at Bluffton Hospital Aug. 17-24

The following births were reported by the Bluffton Hospital last week:

Aug. 17 - McKenzie Hazel Calvelage, daughter of Ashley Dunbar and Doug Calvelage, Cloverdale. 19 inches, 6 pounds, 15 ounces

Aug. 23 - Josiah Allen, son of Rachel Gardner, Findlay. 19 1/2 inches, 7 pounds, 11 ounces.

Aug. 24 - Nayeli Yasmine, daughter of Ofelia G. and Fernando V. 20 1/2 inches, 8 pounds, 7 ounces.

For photos click here.


Evelyn Michel Sutter celebrates 90th on Sept. 5

Evelyn (Michel) Sutter

Evelyn (Michel) Sutter will celebrate her 90th birthday Sept. 5. Evelyn was born to the late Clinton and Leah (Peterson) Balmer in Allen County.

She married Clair Michel June 28, 1941 and he died Aug. 1, 1984. She then married Bud Sutter who died in 2000.

Evelyn has two children, Ron (Pat) Michel, Pandora and Karen (Paul) Businger, Bluffton. She has 4 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.

