Monday, June 7, 2021, marks the first day of Allen County Regioinal Transportation bus service from Lima to Bluffton and back to Lima. Five weekday buses will stop in Bluffton. Here's the 8:48 a.m. right on time and on its way to SumiRiko. (The Icon added the word "Bluffton" on the bus for a hometown touch.) Click here for the bus schedule.
Here's the latest chance for one Icon viewer to win a Padrone's pizza and a second viewer to win a Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn gift card.
Write a caption for this photo. It's Bluffton's mayor, Richard Johnson disembarking from the first test ride of the Allen County Regional Transit Authority's bus runs from Lima to Bluffton.
Here is a photograph of students who attended the Elm Center country school in 1916-17.
This school was located between Bluffton and Pandora. Today it would be in the Pandora-Gilboa school district. When this photo was taken each of the students spoke Swiss dialect at home, and English in school.
The teacher is Millen Geiger.
Front row from left, Ralph Diller, Monroe Hilty, Melvin Bucher, Ben Burry, Leonard Badertscher and Vilas Burry.
"With feeling of endearment, we called it the crick"
Posted by Fred Steiner on June 6, 2021 - 10:20pm
This is a portion of an essay by Robert Kreider on his thoughts on Riley Creek, as he grew up in Bluffton in the 1930s. His entire essay is published in Bluffton Anthology. For more information about the book click here.
1 – When we moved to Bluffton our lot on Spring Street ran down to Little Riley Creek; three Sundays straight my younger brother Gerald slide into the creek; careful, older brother me was enviously amused.
Here’s the answer to the question: “What’s all the road work about in town? Dominion Gas has a gas main replacement project underway on the north side of town. Roese Pipeline of Kawkawlin, Michigan, is the contractor. Here’s a view of some of the work on Vine Street.