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70 years later - here's the BHS class of 1947

The Bluffton High School class of 1947 celebrated their 70th anniversary on Sept. 20 at Henry's Restaurant in Ottawa. 

Twelve classmates were present out of a class of 55 of which 26 are still living.  One member, Wanda (Lehman) Lyman was present from Pennsylvania.  The remainder live in this area.

In sports, the class is proud of the record they set in their senior year: both the football team and the basketball team were undefeated in regular season play, a record that still stands.

Front row, from left: Sara Jane (Huser) Amstutz, Helen (Burkholder) Brooks, Sara Mae (Oberly) Beery, Colleen (Goodman) Hight, Wanda (Tschiegg) Geiger.

Back row: Wanda (Lehman) Lyman, Keith Brauen, Joan (Burkholder) Dailey, Harry Criblez, Robert Wilch, Alice Ruth (Pannabecker) Ramseyer, Kent Stonehill.

