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Winning caption from Derek Dukes: "It's the longest socks I could find!"

With well over 40 entries, this photo struck a cord with Icon viewers. The cord struck by Derek Dukes was out-of-tune, and is the winner with several "atonal"** entries.

He offered three winning captions, plus one special mention, which follow:
• The winner: It's the longest socks I could find!
• Second place: Duct tape and garbage bags might not have been the best building materials.
• Honorable mention: I can't wait for the football players to Superfan for the golf team next year.
• Special mention: Can you letter for being a Superfan?

**Atonal music is written by obscuring tonal structure or by ignoring conventional harmonies altogether.

Derek wins a 1-item 14-inch Padrone's Pizza.

Watch for the next Icon write a caption contest coming soon.
