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VIDEO Pathway board update on SR 103 construction

Fundraising campagn extended
VIDEO with aerial view of "Opening the East" pathway construction


Hi, Bluffton Community. Travis Music here. If you don’t know who I am, I am co-chair of the Bluffton Ride to Remember and I’m on the Bluffton Pathway Board. Where am I at? I’m at (State Route) 103. Look at it, it’s beautiful. We’ve got blacktop. 

Look down County Line (Road). You probably can’t see it but there’s stakes and markers. That’s more bike path going in. 

What does the Bluffton Pathway board do? The Bluffton pathway board Helps spearhead these projects, identify places in Bluffton where we can put A bike path in. What also do we do? We raise money for the bike paths. 

This whole project is called the “Opening the East” campaign. We set a goal, we have almost reached our goal. It was set to close a couple months ago. We decided to run the campaign fundraiser to the end of the year (2023). 

What does that mean? We are asking for donations that 100% go to these bike paths. If you would like to donate, there will be a link down in the comments (HERE).

Every dollar counts. Why would you want to donate to a bike path? If you use the bike paths and like the bike paths–help donate, help build them. When we donate as a community, we show our buy-in to the bike paths. When we show buy-in, there’s more grants, there’s more funding for more bike paths. 

So this is our plea for more donations; we appreciate every dollar we can get. 

There’s some video that we’re going to post up, too, some aerial shots that Zac Kohli was generous enough to do for us, to give an overview of what this bike path is looking like (in mid-October 2023). Thank you.
