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Letter: 2024 Bluffton Beautification invitation

The letter and response form are HERE.

The flowerpots on Bluffton’s Main Street receive tremendous support from our community.  People from other communities are always amazed when they find out how this program works. Thank YOU for making downtown Bluffton such a beautiful place to shop, eat and play.

Stratton Greenhouses and roots by Strattons are inviting businesses, groups, and individuals to become flowerpot sponsors in 2024. The sponsorship pots will begin at College Ave and each of the 76 sponsorship pots be filled in succession, on each side of Main, down to Riley Street. The first sponsorship secured will get the first placement closest to College Avenue. The sponsorship signs will be placed in order of enrollment.

The cost of a sponsorship is $170, but if you respond with payment by March 15th the payment will be reduced to $165.  This sponsorship covers the cost of dirt, plants, fertilizers, and a sign for the dedication of your choosing. 

Please fill out the sponsorship form below and mail it to Stratton Greenhouses or stop in at roots by Strattons in downtown Bluffton to sign up.

Thank you,

Susie and Steve Stratton

Stratton Greenhouses, Inc.
9915 Lincoln Hwy.
Bluffton, OH 45817
