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15 minutes with Kendra Bermosk

Kendra Bermosk

First, give me a little back ground information:
When did you graduate from Bluffton University and what degree do you hold from there?

I graduated from Bluffton when it was still Bluffton College in 2001. I have a communications degree from there.

You live in Bluffton, right? Where?

Yes, I do live in Bluffton on Cherry Street.

Okay, now, one at a time, tell me about all of your jobs.

I work full-time at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Allen County as a school-based specialist. Being a non-profit organization I do a bunch of different things, but I primarily responsible for a lot of the school-based matches that meet in the Lima City Schools and Bluffton.

I work part-time at the Shannon Theatre in Bluffton working tickets and concessions.

I also work part-time at Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn Shop in Bluffton selling really yummy popcorn.

Working at the Shannon allows you to become sort of a movie person.
Tell us about some. What's been your favorite, most over-rated, most under-rated, worst...and other comments about movies you've seen at the Shannon.

Well, over the years I've watched a lot of movies at the Shannon, but since June when I started I would have to say my favorite has been Blindside and I really like To Save a Life which is out right now.

I like movies that are inspirational and urge people to be better and make the world a better place in some way. Worst movie I've seen would probably be a tie between The Ugly Truth or G-Force. G-Force was cheesy and The Ugly Truth had to much suggestive material and bad language for my liking. I

like good clean movies with a good message and not a lot of garbage or bad language. I'm also not the type of person that always likes doing what everyone else does so I have yet to see any of the movies like Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, and so on.

I love the Shannon - it's got really good movies really cheap with great snacks also really cheap J

Now, tell me about your coffee-drinking habits.

Even though I worked uptown at Common Grounds for many years I don't drink coffee. As a matter of fact I have tried, but I really don't like coffee or even a hint of coffee taste in anything. I am a tea drinker! I also enjoy Chai. I often wish I liked coffee because it might make it easier to stay awake or wake up in the morning but as of right now-don't like it at all J

Tell me about your work at Big Brothers Big Sisters. What do you do there?

At Big Brothers Big Sisters of Allen County I am a school-based specialist. I work with kids in the Lima City Schools, Perry, and Bluffton. We match kids in one-to-one mentoring relationships.

I work with the whole process from taking inquiries, doing interviews of Bigs and Littles, and actually matching the kids and working out schedules. I go into the school and supervise matches to make sure the mentor and the child are doing well and the relationship is a good one. I've learned a lot about life working at Big Brothers Big Sisters and it's been an enriching experience. It's a much needed agency.

I am grateful for each mentor we have and enjoy the kids we work with. Even though it's a difficult job sometimes I know I've been there and am there for a bigger reason.

You hold a degree from Winebrenner. What interested you in attending seminary?

Well, I grew up in the church, my dad was a pastor. When I went away to college I was involved in many different religious life activities. Finally when I finished college I wasn't sure what I wanted to do so I prayed about it.

Right before the start of the 2003/2004 academic year at Bluffton University I was hired to work for the school-year as the Interim Associate Campus Pastor. I LOVED that job! I enjoyed working with college students, doing ministry, and being a part of a campus community. In order to continue that line of work I needed a Master's degree.

Because I loved it so much I prayed about it and felt led to attend seminary. I wanted a seminary where I could focus on continuing to build my relationship with God and grow in knowledge. My search took me to Winebrenner in Findlay and I absolutely loved the experience.

The school and faculty and staff were amazing. So, I worked full time at Big Brothers Big Sisters and went to school full time, year round for 3 years. I finished my Masters of Divinity (MDiv) degree in August of 2007 with a specialization in Family Ministry (which means I took a lot of classes in pastoral counseling and spiritual formation). My long term goal is to work on a college campus in a ministry position someday.

If you ever decided to get a vanity plate for your car, what would it say?

Live Life (that might be to many letters-so Liv Life if that's the case) J or SMILE

I understand you read quite a bit. What are you reading at the moment?

I love to read actually. Currently I am reading a book called Uprising. It's about finding what we are passionate about doing and what God has called us to do and not being afraid to live that life.

By the way, what's the oldest thing in your refrigerator?

I can't answer this-but thanks for the reminder-I need to clean out my fridge!

Okay, let's end this on an up note. Is your cup half empty or half full?

To do what I do and see what I've seen life has to be half full. I live in hope, love people, and believe life can be different. I've learned that God is faithful and good and provides a way even when it doesn't seem like things will work out. So-I'd say it's maybe even a bit more than half full on most days.
