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Oscar Velasquez holiday print features public library

Bluffton Public library is exhibiting Oscar Velasquez's 2010 Bluffton winter scene print featuring the Bluffton Public Library. Velasquez will donate one of the prints on display to the library for all to enjoy year round.

Velasquez will be at Deer Creek Shoppes on the day of the Blaze of Lights to sign copies of the prints from 3 to 8 p.m.

Past scenes from the Blaze of Lights series have included Main Street with a view of Shannon Theatre, Bluffton University's College Hall, Ebenezer Mennonite Church, Bluffton Presbyterian Church and St. John's United Church of Christ/Bluffton High School.

Prints are available by calling the artist at 419-358-0533 or at Deer Creek Shoppes beginning Monday, Nov. 15.

Velasquez is a Putnam County resident and has been a self-employed artist for over 30 years. He has created many large outdoor and indoor murals around the area.
