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Carlin Carpenter chamber speaker Jan. 11; small business workshop follows breakfast

Carlin Carpenter, former Bluffton University football coach, is the guest speaker of the
Friday, Jan. 11, Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast.

Breakfast serving will begin at 7 a.m. and the meeting will begin at 7:30 a.m. in the third
floor of the town hall. Members may RSVP now for the breakfast.

Reichenbach and Steiner CPA is the breakfast sponsor.

Carpenter is the author of a soon-to-be released book “Coaching Football Ain’t Easy,”
with the subtitle “My Triumphs and Tribulations at Bluffton College.” His chamber talk
will include stories from the book. The book has 186 pages. It lists alphabetically all the
players, coaches and support personnel involved in Bluffton’s football program during his
coaching tenure.

Carpenter coached the 1979 to 2002 seasons. He is Bluffton’s first-ever football coach
to experience 100 wins, and is the only coach to play at both Harmon Field and at
Saltzman Stadium.

Linda Suter authored the book’s foreword. Tami Forbes, Jim “Spike” Berry and Perry
Bush added endorsements on the back cover. The book is published through Wordplay
Publishing of Bluffton.

The book will be released this winter. Copies will sell for $13.95 and will be available at
the Bluffton University bookstore, from the author and in some downtown businesses.

Also on Jan. 11 program
• Greg Conkling will introduce the new owners of Greg’s Pharmacy. The new owners are
Tim Clark and Mark BonDurant. Following the breakfast, Greg’s will have an open house
from 9 a.m. to noon where customers may also meet the new owners.
• Breakfast sponsor, Neil Reichenbach, will provide an overview of the new tax guidelines
• The 2013 membership stickers will be available.

One-shop-do-it-all business owner workshop

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs, will hold a roundtable workshop for one-shop-do-it-all business owners and independent consultants for product lines.

The free workshop is at 8:45 a.m., Friday, Jan. 11, in the third floor of the Bluffton town hall.

The workshop follows the 7:30 a.m. January Bluffton chamber breakfast also held in the town hall.

The workshop will last about one hour.

“The Bluffton chamber and BCE have a special interest in helping small business owners succeed,” said Fred Steiner of the chamber. “We hope this workshop is the first of several to take place in 2013.”

“Friday’s agenda will include the sharing of ideas,” he said. “We'll also talk about issues one-shop business persons  face, how we overcome them, and what areas we might need assistance with.”

Persons interested in attending or needing additional information may contact Steiner at the Bluffton chamber, 419-369-2985 or at [email protected].

