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What do you want to know about Suter's Produce? Answers given at Senior Center April dinner

Jerry Suter will share some of Suter’s Produce trade secrets with members of the Bluffton Senior Citizens during its April dinner meeting, according to Tonya Meyer, director. He is the guest speaker at the dinner meeting.

The dinner, at the Center, is at 6 p.m., Wednesday, April 13. Tickets are $7.50 and must be purchased by Wednesday, April 8. The dinner is catered by women of the Mt. Cory United Methodist Church. Roger Edwards is the master of ceremonies.

During the dinner meeting, two members will be recognized for reaching their 90th birthdays. Wayne Matter and Anna Ruth Reichenbach will receive life memberships.

Several other programs are on the Center’s April calendar. To view that information open the attachment at the bottom of this story to open the April newsletter.
