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Trinity Lutheran offers educational play dates

Educational play-dates with Mommy for infants through preschool (ages 0-5) takes place at Trinity Lutheran Church, Jenera this spring.  Dads, grandmas, grandpas, and nannies are welcome, too.

Sessions are from 9:30-10:30 a.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month from March to May.

Those dates are: March 7 and 21, April 4 and 18, and May 2 and 16.

Adults can mingle with each other and enjoy activities with their children including: a devotion, arts and crafts, sensory table, flannel stories and story time, music, educational toys, and a snack. Each session has a different theme.

Themes will include:  Colors and Shapes, Easter and Eggs, and Rain, Clouds,
and Puddles. The cost is $5 per family (not per child) per session. Payment can be made by cash or check.

Advance registration is required.  Register online at or call 419-326-4685.
