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Petition asks village for additional safety measures at Main and College

Share the Road Bluffton, Ohio, Facebook invites viewer comments

While the Village of Bluffton is paying for a safety study of the State Route 103 corridor, a second safety project is also in play here.

Paula Scott, advocate for improved signage at Main and College, invites Icon viewers to sign a petition to ask village officials to revisit the intersection with an additional focus toward safety.

“Students who cross Main Street at College Avenue are being ignored by drivers,” she said. “The village needs to show drivers that it is a state law to yield to pedestrians in cross walks.”

She adds: “Installing this additional signage is the first step to better safety before and after school.

“ODOT removed the traffic signal at Main and College in 2009. Our community must find and enact alternative methods to help pedestrians and bike riders use this intersection safely.”

Click here to visit Share The Road Bluffton Ohio Facebook page.

Click here to sign the petition

