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BVHS joins Mayo Clinic in convalescent plasma transfusion

For treatment of patients with COVID-19

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) has been accepted and registered as a participating site in Mayo Clinic’s Expanded Access Protocol for Convalescent Plasma Program for treatment of patients with COVID-19. 

Researchers believe that convalescent plasma (CP), which refers to blood plasma collected from people who have recovered from COVID-19, may help patients with advanced illness from COVID-19.

The antibodies in the plasma may have the ability to help patients fight the virus and recover more quickly.

Mayo Clinic is the lead institution in the use of investigational convalescent plasma for hospitalized patients with severe or life-threatening COVID-19 and was designated to do so by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on April 3.

Blanchard Valley Health System is now offering convalescent plasma as treatment for inpatient, critically ill, confirmed COVID-19 patients.

BVHS is working in partnership with the local Red Cross to obtain CP. Once the red cross has access to CP with the patient’s matching blood type, it is then transferred to BVHS for patient transfusion.

The patient is transfused with the donor’s plasma, which contains antibodies that may attack the virus and may help the patient recover more rapidly. The process of receiving the plasma takes on average five to seven days. 

“Blanchard Valley Health System is pleased to offer our patients the benefits of convalescent plasma, during a time where COVID-19 treatments are extremely needed,” shared Natalie Phoenix, director of emergency services.

“The plasma transfusion has shown very promising, positive improvements in the health of those diagnosed with COVID-19 and it is just another way we are dedicated to providing our patients exceptional care.”