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Bentley Rd. closure comes with police department warning

From the Bluffton Police Department via Nixle:

We would like to remind everyone that Road Closed means exactly that. We've received several complaints of motorists driving around and through the road closed signs at Bentley Rd and S Main St/Harmon Rd.

Please respect the road closures as they are there for your safety. The only vehicular traffic permitted are residents that live within the closure, and construction company employees and other authorized personnel.

Officers will be watching this area and will be taking enforcement action for violations.

Ohio revised code 4511.71A is the code for driving on a closed roadway,jurisdiction%20to%20close%20such%20highway and local ordinance 72.130 is for shortcutting across private property

This local code pertains to those that are using the dairy freeze property to avoid the barricades in place. Please share this information as officers may begin to issue citations for the listed violations.
