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Letter from Helen Madrigal

Hello Fred,

A friend in Bluffton just told me about your online news site. I very much enjoyed taking a look around Bluffton Icon and catching up on the goings on about town.

Helen Madrigal

Note: Check the recipe she submitted, Roast Beef in Beer Marinade.


Santa: Please send me some John Deere toys

Dear Santa:

My name is Waylon. I am 9 years old. What I would like is...Outdoor Adventures for Playstation 2, Big Buck Hunger Pro TV plug 'n play game, collectable vehicles, Legends of the Fall Lamb, cap hand gun, Duck Hunter, Monte Carlo toy shotgun, Ford vs. Chevy Cyclone Canyon, Shelby racing team, Foam Strike Camo slingshot. How are you doing up there? How is Rudolph the red nose raindeer doing?

Love, Waylon Gordon Lathrop

Dear Santa:


Second graders offer their Christmas thoughts

Bev Stockman's second graders

The Icon asked Bev Stockman's second graders their thoughts about Christmas. Their replies follow:

It is Christmas time. I like the decorations on the tree. I like when Santa eats the cookies we make for him. I like to write Santa a letter. I like to eat ham on Christmas. I like to see my neighbors outside playing with snow. I like when Katie and I play with the snow and when we get nice, steaming hot cocoa at home. I like when I cuddle together with my family in the house and with the kitten Ash. I love Christmas.


Icon fan mail from Nancy Beach Crum

Hi Fred,

I highly doubt you remember me, but I was a classmate of yours at one time. Having moved from Bluffton when I was going into the sixth grade, I have always considered Bluffton my home and think of it fondly.

My sister still lives in Bluffton as does her son's family. I just happened to stumble across the Icon on Facebook and am thoroughly enjoying the site. I make it back to Bluffton from time to time, usually on Saturday after Thanksgiving for the parade and Thanksgiving with my family.


Dear Santa: My favorite reindeer is Rudolph

We'll print your letter to Santa. Here's how it works: Drop off your letter in the special box in the Bluffton Post Office lobby. The post office delivers the letter to The Icon. We print it. We then give the letter to the elves at the Bluffton Senior Citizen Center. Please provide a clear mailing address, and you will receive a response from Santa.

Dear Santa:


More letters to Santa

Note: Write a letter to Santa. Drop it in the special box in the Bluffton Post Office lobby. The Icon will print your letter. The Bluffton Senior Citizens will send a response from Santa (provided you include a mailing address).

Dear Santa

I've been good this year. How have you been? I'm sure you are good. I would like a skateboard, a new helmet, pads, a tech deck (my other one's broken),and a Julie Albright doll. I would also like a turtle webkinz. Tell the elves "hi" for me.


Reagan Mittendorf

