Colton Klingler, student in the pre-kindergarden class at Blufton Child Development Center shows Icon readers a piece of his recent art work. He is the son of Stephanie Klingler
Jeff Laing says he started building houses in Mrs. Emmert's Bluffton kindergarten class. If that is true, his involvement in the construction trade is a truly life-long love.
After graduating from Bluffton High School and attending the University of Findlay, Laing worked the counter at Carter Lumber in Columbus Grove. Then he worked for Lima Lumber Co., with Mike Steiner and Kevin Gratz. Following that he joined Alexander Homes where he worked from 1994 to 2007. In 2007 he joined Stan Clemens in Clemens Construction Group where he worked until earlier this year.
When did you move to Bluffton? When did you graduate from high school?
My family moved to Bluffton in August of 1985. We moved into our house just two or three days before I started the third grade. I graduated from BHS in 1995.
What are your favorite memories of your school years in Bluffton?
The Icon is happy to announce that sometime during the morning of Friday, Oct. 30, we will witness the 5,500th visitor to our site. Our site officially opened on Oct. 1. Since that time we have seen daily views grow from 75 a day at the start. During the week of Oct. 25-20 our average daily view is 250. The lowest daily view was on Oct. 26 with 226 views. The highest view day was Oct. 29 with 297.
When the doorbell rang in Bluffton homes on Oct. 29, well, you never knew who would be at your door. The village celebrated Halloween on the 29th.
Among candy seekers were these Bluffton High School students, front from left, Emily Krabach (Peter Pan), Miranda DeLoera (Wendy) and Taylor Humphreys (Mary Poppins.
Julia Mehaffie peeks through an art creation she made at the Bluffton Child Development Center, where she is a student in the pre-kindergarten class. Julia is the daughter of Jamie and Jill Mehaffie.