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Public Meetings

Two council committee meetings set

Two Bluffton council committee meetings are set for the next few weeks. Those meetings follow, with both meetings in the town hall:

• July 28 - Safety services, noon

• Aug. 3 - Street and alleys - discussion: Crossing on Main and College and policies and proceedures for vacating alleys, 7 p.m.



Mayor announces Shannon Cemetery Commission members

Mayor Judy Augsburger announced appointment of a commission to oversee the Shannon Cemetery during Monday’s Bluffton council meeting.

Members include: John Murray, Evan Skilliter, Fred Rodabaugh, Bob Amstutz, Nathan Ulrey, Samuel Diller, Richard Boehr, Harriett Moyer, Jesse Blackburn, David Steiner and the mayor. Paula Scott, a non-voting member, is the commission recorder.


School board will act on $14,732,484 appropriations

Bluffton school board will act on approving its annual appropriations certificate on Monday.

The 2015-16 appropriations total $14,732,484, according to the July 20 board agenda.

In other action, as the board prepares for the coming school year, breakfast and lunch prices will be set. Proposed prices are:

• Breakfast
Elementary, middle, high school   $1.50
Adults     $2.00

• Lunch
Elementary  $2.50
Middle School $2.50
High School  $2.75
Adults   $3.25


Council will hear from Rec Committee on swimming pool recommendations

Bluffton council will hear a report from its Recreation Committee on recommendations to upgrade the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool. The report is part of the Monday council agenda.

The committee, meeting on July 6, discussed pool resurfacing.

The report summary follows:

At age 21, the pool is due for some serious maintenance work, specifically resurfacing.


College-Main intersection discussion on Bluffton council's Monday agenda

Bluffton council will address the College Avenue-Main Street intersection on Monday.

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) removed the intersection’s traffic light when the streetscape program was created.  The stoplight’s absence has been a continual point of discussion from citizens and the village.

Bluffton resident Paula Scott is asking council to look into various options to create a safer intersection.

Council’s packet (an attachment at the bottom of this story) provides several pages of information and drawings pertaining to the intersection.


Elementary summer academy staff and fall coaches offered contracts

A host of fall 2015 coaching positions were approved at the June 25 Bluffton school board meeting.

In addition, the board approved several classified substitute custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria works, secretaries and educational aides.

The board also approved elementary summer academy certified contracts. Those contracts, at $21.15 per hour, were awarded to Janelle Bogart, Christine McCafferty, Heidi Steiner, Ryan Dunlap, Barbara Maag, Linda Sycks, Christy Garmatter and Brandie Stackhouse. Summer academy is from Aug. 10 to Aug. 21.

