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Public Meetings

Summary of August 14 Bluffton Council Meeting

The 47-page Council packet is attached HERE

By Andy Chappell-Dick

The meeting started at 7:00 p.m. sharp with the customary invocations. Minutes were approved and bills were paid. Then Mayor Johnson looked at his watch, and explained that a Public Meeting had been embedded in this Council Meeting, officially set and advertised for 7:05.  It was 7:01.  After some murmuring, it was suggested in the meantime perhaps Councilor Dave Steiner could give a report for the Finance Committee. Steiner stated that the Committee had met to discuss an extension of a tax abatement for Diamond Manufacturing, which they endorsed and passed along to Council to approve later in this meeting.

It was 7:03.  People looked around.  Someone offered that maybe in the future Public Meetings could be set for 7:02.

Finally, at 7:05, Council initiated the Public Hearing by motion. It was a zoning issue: a Cherry Street couple had petitioned the Village to vacate an alley on their property. They were on hand to explain that it had not been maintained or even used as a public alley in quite a while, and a proper survey revealed that it quite literally ran through their kitchen, a bathroom and their bedroom. Neighbors had been notified as required, none were present. The entire alley will pass to the petitioners, since they had purchased a narrow strip from their neighbor on the other side. Vacating an alley requires an act of Council, and this was passed unanimously in its first reading.


Several other people were seated in the public gallery, and Mayor Rich Johnson's preference is to give them a chance to speak at the top of the meeting so their business is dealt with and they're free to duck out.


Notice of public hearing regarding vacation of Village-owned property

Notice of a public hearing on August 28, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the Community
Room on the 3 rd floor of the Village of Bluffton, OH Town Hall regarding the
vacation of Village-owned property within and bordering the Municipal Parking Lot


Items on the August 14 council agenda

The Village of Bluffton has provided a preliminary agenda for the August 14 Council Meeting including the following items. The regular council meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. with a public hearing at 7:05 p.m. regarding an alley vacation petition for 150 Cherry St.


Dave Stratton & Cindy Leis - Allen Economic Development Group (AEDG) regarding an Enterprise Zone Agreement with Diamond Manufacturing


  • Ordinance Committee: 08/02
  • Finance Committee: 08/11
  • Boards & Commissions Pathway Board: 07/28


ORDINANCE NO. 08-2023 - 1st Reading of an ordinance to vacate an alley as requested by Matthew and Hannah Alspach

ORDINANCE NO. 09-2023 - 1st Reading of an ordinance to vacate a 15 foot sanitary easement in Parkview of Bluffton


Executive session expected for most of August 7 special council meeting

The Village of Bluffton has announced a special council meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 7 at Town Hall, 154 N. Main.

It is expected that most of the meeting will occur in executive session to consider the sale/purchase of land.


Bluffton council meeting summary for July 24

Accessory Dwelling Units discussion scheduled for August 2

The 29 page packet for this meeting is attached HERE.

By Andy Chappell-Dick

Bluffton Village Council met at Town Hall on July 24 with a familiar agenda (pages 1-2):  hear committee reports, vote on legislation, and oversee the activities of Village administration. I would have said there's nothing better to watch on a Monday night, but while we were four in the public gallery, I have it on good authority that at that very hour several hundred citizens had packed in cheek to jowl at another hall two blocks south to watch a movie about Barbie. I took heart; few of them were voters.

Reporting first for the Ordinance Committee, Councilor Mitch Kingsley raised the topic of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The committee has long wanted to address a possible update to the Village's zoning ordinance. With the near-completion of the collaborative Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow comprehensive plan, said Kingsley, "we ask with apprehension, is zoning now on the table?"  ADUs have long existed in Bluffton, and with some inquiries about building new ones coming in, Village Administrator Jesse Blackburn was asking the committee if the present rules might need a modernization. 

A systematic look at how other communities have handled the trend is underway, and the committee meets again on August 2 at 5 p.m. to continue talks.  Like all Village meetings, it's open to the public.


Summary of the very brief July Bluffton school board meeting

By Paula Scott

Arriving ten minutes before this week’s meeting of the Bluffton Schools board of education meeting, I feared I was at the right place at the wrong time. No cars parked out front, no motion-sensor lights on in the vestibule or hallways.

When I arrived in the Bluffton Elementary School media center, board member Larry Hoffman was there, the sole signal that there was indeed a meeting that evening. As it turned out, my ten minutes of preparation time was almost as long as the meeting. Minus an executive session, the following meeting was just eleven minutes. That’s July news in a nutshell.

