Public Meetings

Bluffton schools will have six student teachers in the winter-spring terms. Approval of those six are among several items on Monday’s Bluffton school board agenda.

The student teachers being considered are:

Leaf pickup in Bluffton will begin the week of Oct. 29, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator.

He will update Bluffton council on this fall’s leaf pick up plans at Monday’s council meeting. (meeting at 8 p.m.)

“Residents should place un-bagged leaves on the side of the street in front of their residences, as close to the curb as possible,” Mehaffie said.

“Residents may utilize the tree lawns if available and do not allow the leaf pice to extend into the lanes of traffic,” he added.

Several part-time contracts are on the Monday, Oct. 22, Apollo Career Center board of education agenda.

The meeting is at 7 p.m. at Apollo. The view the board's agenda, open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

A second Ford Interceptor utility vehicle may join the Bluffton police force. On Oct. 8 Bluffton council okayed a request from Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief, to send a "letter of intent" to purchase a 2013 vehicle from Statewide Ford.

By approving the letter of intent the village freezes the price on the vehicle at $32,798. In September the village received its first Interceptor. Click here for a look at that vehicle.

The Ohio Department of Education released a limited, preliminary set of school performance data for the 2011-12 school year on Sept. 26.


Click here to go to Ohio Department of Education website for more details.

The first 2013 model vehicle in Bluffton belongs to the village. You might call it a police cruiser, but its official name is a Ford Police Utility Interceptor vehicle. Delivery was made this week and the vehicle was officially perused in the dark by Bluffton council members following the Sept. 24 council meeting.

The price tag of $33,411 came down, after trade ins, to $31,111. According to Rick Skilliter, police chief, the cruiser is projected to be 20 percent more fuel efficiet than existing police cruisers on the Bluffton fleet.
