Public Meetings

Owners of Main Street buildings in the streetscape area were issued some friendly advice from the village concerning care of their sidewalks this winter.

"With the winter weather upon us, I want to remind everyone about using rock salt or ice melt products on the new streetscape concrete," said Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator.

"Please do not use it!" he said. "We searched everywhere for a product that is safe to use on new concrete that is less than one year old. We couldn't find anything."

Bluffton council on Nov. 9 took the first steps to renew its dispatch communication contract with Allen County.

Council okayed the first reading of legislation to issue a contract for the work to the sheriff's office. If approved, the contract will be in effect from Jan. 1, 2010, to June 30, 2013. The cost to the village will be $31,878 per year.

In other council action, Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, reported that Miller Cable Co. is completing the installation of the streetlights on Main Street.

By Fred Steiner
Bluffton council discussed, but did not act upon a proposal on Oct. 26 that would mean no pay increases in 2010 for village employees. Generally the village has had annual salary increased close to the rate of inflation.

Since the village is experiencing lower revenue from its village income tax all village spending has slowed this year.

Streetscape in process

At the moment, Main Street has two sets of street lights. On the west side the lights appear to be displaced football field lights. On the east side (left) the new street lights are in place. The lights on the west side of Main, if you hadn't noticed, are in place while the streetscape project in underway. They will be soon replaced by lamp posts that carry an 1930s-era light, just like the ones on the east side. Although a bit blurry, this photo was taken a one-eighth of a second with the lens wide open at 4.5 to capture this look.

Allen County Auditor Rhonda Eddy was the featured speaker at the Oct. 9 Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting. She discussed Allen County real estate reevalation. The following is the text of her power point presentation to the chamber:

Your Home, Your Value
A simplified approach to understanding your county's home valuation process.

Why Reappraise?
Ohio Constitution requires real property to be appraised at market value

Bluffton council moved forward on Monday in its action to annex a portion of the North Dixie Highway on the south end of the village.

Council okayed two emergency resolutions. The first extends sewer lines south of Main Street. The estimated cost of that project is $447,000. Council also okayed action to upgrade the existing waterline to the area. The upgrade will provide for an eight-inch pipeline to be installed. The estimated cost of that project is $419,000.
