Public Meetings

The village is finalizing details on the Spring Street bridge deck replacement project. Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, provided a report to council on Feb. 22.

His report stated that he met recently with Brion Rhodes on the project. As the schedule stands currently the project is projected have bid advertisements in April. Those bids may be awarded by council at the second meeting in May.

Construction could take place from early July through October. No cost estimates were issued on the project on Feb. 22.

What is the role of the village concerning the Groves' Bear building? That question was discussed during the Feb. 22 Bluffton council meeting. The answer, according to Steve Chamberlain, village solicitor, follows: The role of the village in this issue is safety and general zoning.

The issue was discussed as a result the heavy snow, which caused an apparent structural problem to the building last week. The building has been closed to the public since Thursday.

Bluffton council learned on Feb. 8 that the village and school representatives have met with Eric Pfenning of Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to discuss the school zone flashers and the College-Main intersection.

Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, told council that he and Rick Skilliter, police chief, and Greg Denecker, school superintendent met with ODOT.

Bluffton officials asked ODOT to have school zone flashers activated from 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. The flashers are property of ODOT and under their control.

On Jan. 25, Bluffton's council okayed a request from its board of zoning appeals to allow the Bluffton Hospital to construction a garage across from the hospital on Garau Street.

On the surface it may not appear to be major action, but it is another step in the hospital's renovation and expansion that should take place this year.

The action was required because the land in question needed to move from residential to commercial zoning. The complete minutes from the hearing on the zoning change request are found in the Bluffton council tab in The Icon.


Date: November 30, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m.

(These minutes were published in the Jan. 21, 2010 Bluffton council packet.)

Date: December 14, 2009

(These minutes were published in the Jan. 22, 2010 Bluffton council packet)
Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: 218 S. Main Street
BZA: Bill Gable, Gordon Diller, and John Harbison
Administration: Nancy Benroth
Petitioner: Sean & JoLynn Burrell, and Meg Burrell

The legal notice was published in the Bluffton News on December 3, 2009.

Letters were sent to all the property owners within 200 feet of all property lines.
