Spraying will occur on May 31, June 2, June 7, and June 9, starting at dusk. Starting the week of June 13, spraying will be done on Wednesdays, weather permitting, according to village officials.
Summer official begins in Bluffton at 1 p.m. on Friday. That's when the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool opens.
Pool hours are 1 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m. daily. The pool's telephone number is 419-358-6991.
Here are admission prices:
Daily adult admission $3
Single season pass (taxpayer) $80
Single season pass (non-taxpayer) $105
Family season pass (taxpayer) $130
Family season pass (non-taxpayer) $180
Single senior citizen pass $40
Couple senior citizen pass $75
Two days without rain. This is more like it. It rained 2.85 inches for the week, but it didn't rain on Memorial Day. It's possible that today (May 31) will have no rain. Two days in a row. Wow. Here's the past seven day weather report from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.
Beginning June 6, readers of all ages will travel the globe this summer as part of Bluffton Public Library's Summer Reading Program.
Children will explore places from Oceania to Russia through stories, crafts, music, snacks and other activities during the K-5 Summer Reading Club, "One World, Many Stories."