Bluffton council accepted the retirement resignation of its fire chief, Dan Bowden on Nov. 23. (See the feature story on Bowden elsewhere on this page).
Bowden's replacement will be Bluffton-native Jon Kinn. The new chief is a 1993 Bluffton High School graduate and is employed by Chiles-Laman Funeral Home.
He has served on the fire department for eight years. The most recent two years he was a department captain. Before that he was a department lieutenant, also for two years. He and his wife, Mandy, live at 716 S. Main St.
Ask Greg Moser about his license plate. We did. When he was a captain in the Air Force in Viet Nam he served in a group with a code name "Igloo White." Thus, his license plate.
Now we know Jim Raabe's address: It's 135 Beaver Street. You'll find this plate parked near Bluffton High School on school days and also weekends. He's the BHS athletic director.