Regional news

What: Blaze kickoff auction

When: Tonight

Where: The Centre

Time: Doors open 5 p.m.

Auction at 6 p.m.

Other features:

o Free admission

o Gingerbread house decorating contest

o Middle school art contest

o Barbecued chicken sandwiches and lots of other food

Sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce


Sorry, we can't recall where this plate was shot. We've seen it various places around town. Any clues from readers to its meaning will be helpful.

LIL YELO is just what it says it is: It's a little yellow Chevy. We found it in the Riley Court parking lot. Viewers please help us identify the owner.

Bob Beer thought his stint on the Bluffton Public Library board ended recently when his first seven-year term expired.

However, with the resignation of library board member Sherry Haehl on Oct. 26, Beer is back on the board.

The Bluffton school board, who appoints library board members, named Beer to fulfill Haehl's unexpired term, which expires Dec. 31. He was also appointed to a new seven-year library board term from January 2010 through Dec. 31, 2016.

The action took place at the Nov. 16 school board meeting.

Weather report by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer

Date High Temp Low Temp

Nov. 10 56 42

Nov. 11 56 28

Nov. 12 54 24

Nov. 13 63 27

Nov. 14 68 45

Nov. 15 58 47

494 YZ

Once upon a time in Bluffton you could identify a driver's residence by the number on the license plate. This driver, now a resident of Mennonite Memorial Home, once had an address of 493 __________ St., Bluffton. Viewers help us out as to the owner of this plate.
