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Get ready for Bluffton fall festival - it's Sept. 24

Plans are underway for this year’s Bluffton Fall Festival.

This year’s event is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 24. Several locations in the community will have activities and those will be announced as plans are finalized.

Here are events planned at Mennonite Memorial Home:

Silent auction, bake sake, luncheon, kettle corn, horse and wagon ride, straw dig, photo booth and kiddie train rides.

Maple Crest

Apple crisp and cinnamon ice cream, antique tractor show, kiddie tractor pull, fishing derby and more to be announced.

MMH silent auction

The Service Group of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio will hold a silent auction during the festival at the Mennonite Memorial Home.

The group invites donations for the event, which is a fundraiser. Persons interested in making donations may contact Erin Schroeder, volunteer coordinator at 419-358-1015, extension 248.

Donated items in the past have included wood working, quilting, pottery, home canning, antiques, unique crafts and specialty baskets

Items for the auction can be brought to MMH by Monday, Sept. 19.

Bake sale

The MMH bake sale takes place Friday, Sept. 23, and Saturday, Sept. 24. Persons intereseted in donating items to the Service Group should bring them to the MMH at 9 a.m., Friday, Sept. 23.


