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An image to remember all year long

There are images you'd like to remember all year long - and this is one of those on the list. It's Bluffton's Blaze of Lights following the first serious snowfall of the winter. We'd like to add one wish to this scene. That is the hope that next year we may all gather on Main Street and watch the lights turn on - no matter what the wind chill reads.

So, you think you know Bluffton?

So, you think you know Bluffton? Okay, where will you find this holiday window decoration? Answer tomorrow.


Clarence Kooker: "When I started teaching in 1951-52 there were 41 students in my classroom"

For more information about "Bluffton Anthology" click here.

"I started teaching in Bluffton schools in 1951-52. I taught fourth grade and in my first class there were 41 children. The room I had in the old grade school had only windows in the back. With 41 children, the room was crammed full. The rest rooms were in the basement.


Ten songs for when we can party again!

A little fun between Christmas and new year's

Reviewed by Craig Hoffman
While life in 2020 has been full of masks, social distancing, and isolation, there will be a time soon when everyone will party again. Here are ten songs to help you plot out your return to real life and the dance club scene.

How are you going to enjoy your return to everyday life in the near future? Let the Icon know in the comment section!


Forgotten Bluffton: What about those curves in the road?

There's one on Bentley and Tom Fett north of town, but on Phillips it's a 90-degree jog

Why is there a “curve” on Bentley Road just north of Bluffton where the road crosses Riley Creek?

There’s also a curve on Tom Fett Road and on Phillips Road at about the same location.

On Phillips Road it's a serious twist, instead of being just a curve in the road. That’s because the Tom Fett and Bentley “jogs” have been modernized. Phillips remains the same at it was when it was originally laid out.

The simple answer to the question in the opening sentence is that the earth is round and that the early surveyors were trying to run straight lines on a sphere.


Bluffton's residential lights winner

The outdoor display of Jesse and Amy Blackburn, 215 S. Jackson St., was selected as first place in this year's Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce residential lighting contest. They will receive $400 in Bluffton Bucks.
