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How did the Riley get its name?

Ask Darrell Groman; July 17 marks the bicentennial of its naming

A stream that passes through Bluffton celebrates a bicentennial of its name on Friday.  Darrell Groman provides the Icon with information about how the creek was named. He also provides lots of details of its namesake.

The Bicentennial of the Naming of
Riley Creek, July 17, 2020
Information provided by Darrell Groman


Watch the video "You'll never believe what's at the bottom of the Buckeye"

Presentation sponsored by Bluffton Public Library, presented by Fred Steiner

If you missed the Bluffton Public Library Zoom talk on "What's at the bottom of the Buckeye," you may now watch it on The Icon.

The presentation by Fred Steiner includes descriptions of Bluffton swimming pools  over the past century.

The talk also touches on a Bluffton railroad excursion to Cedar Point in the 1920s. Big Rock, sulfur springs, Cigarette Creek are also part of the talk, as is the oldest known structure along the creek which redates Bluffton.

Climbing Bluffton's stairsteps

Here's a workout idea: Climb the steps of the Bluffton University football stadium...if you are able. These are Bluffton tallest and most challenging steps, but the reward to the hiker appears to be of great value.

A message from doctors and nurse practitioners about covid-19

We are part of your communities. We know you, and you know us. As we all deal with COVID-19, we want to be a part of the solution; we want to educate and empower you to be a part of the solution also

Note: Blufton Icon supports the opinions put forth in this letter.

Bluffton Icon viewers:
We, your doctors and your nurse practitioners, are living and working together with you as the COVID-19 pandemic is unfolding.  

We are currently seeing an increasing number of people with this infection in Putnam county and surrounding areas.  We want to do everything we can to limit the spread of COVID-19 and need your help.  


Here's Bluffton council committees schedule

Here is the Bluffton council committee meeting schedule for the next few weeks:
• Personnel Committee – Wednesday, 7/15 at noon.
• Cemetery Board – Wednesday, 7/15 at 4:30 p.m.
• Streets, Lights, Alleys and Sidewalks – Wednesday, 7/15 at 5:30 p.m
• Finance Committee – Thursday, 7/23 at noon.
•The meetings will be held at the town hall.


So, you think you know Bluffton

So, you think you know Bluffton. Okay, where will you find this on a building in town? Answer tomorrow,.

