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Interested in gardening, but don't have room in your yard?

Gardeners of the Bluffton/Pandora Area have plots available in their community garden

Interested in gardening, but don't have room in your yard?

Gardeners of the Bluffton/Pandora Area (GBPA) invite community members to sign-up for a large or small garden plot on the club’s community garden located at 9900 S. Main St., Bluffton, according to Victoria Goddard, club president.

“Our large plots are 20-by-60 feet,” she said. “The plots have all been tilled and are ready for planting and we have around four or five this size remaining.”


Trinity United Methodist hog roast June 27

Trinity United Methodist Church 2022 State Route 103, Bluffton, invites the community to a free hog roast in June.

Serving is from 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday, June 27, at the church. The event will also include a petting zoo for youth. Details are on the flyer.


Ebenezer Mennonite VBS starts June 6


Ebenezer Mennonite Church Vacation Bible School takes place from 6 to 8:30 p.m., Sunday to Thursday, June 6-10.

It is open to youth ages 4 to those who have just now completed fifth grade. The VBS theme is Rocky Railway.

A family night is planned from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Friday, June 11. The church is located at 8905 Columbus Grove Road, Bluffton.

Registration is online at:


Dr. J.J. and Susan Lugibihl Sutter

Our Swiss connection - part 27

This is the 27th installment in this series. Click here for the previous installment.

An earlier column in this series focused on Abraham and Anna Locher Lugibihl. This column features Abraham and Anna’s daughter, Susan, and her husband Dr. John J. Sutter.

Susan married Dr. John J. Sutter. His parents were Johannes (or John) and Elizabeth Waltï Sutter.


And the winning captions are...

Over 40 entries were in the Icon's most recent "write a caption for this photo" contest.

The Icon took this photo of Marvin Diller, Chuck Amstutz and Dick Boehr at the May senior citizens breakfast at the middle school. We asked viewers to write a caption for the photo. Here are the winners:

Winner of a 14-inch, 1-item Padrone's Pizza:
"Stop me if you've heard one."
- Submitted by Gary and Lois Wetherill


State treasurer's office recognizes BHS program

Compass Award given for efforts in financial literacy

Bluffton schools is one of two schools in the state to receive the Compass Award this month from the office of Ohio treasurer Robert Sprague, according to Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent.

The award commends programs working to guide Ohioans toward financial literacy and empowerment.

