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Icon movie review: Here's another scary October flashback

Jaws works so well precisely because of what it doesn’t do: show you the shark

As I considered what to review next, I asked myself the question “what’s a horror movie the family can watch together?”

Turns out, horror doesn’t lend itself to producing those sorts of movies! But in the summer of 1975, a horror/thriller was released that you may have heard of: Jaws.


Letter: Vote Jennifer and John for Ohio Supreme Court

Icon viewers: 
For non-lawyers, it can be hard to excited about the law. But I'm tremendously excited about two candidates for Ohio Supreme Court, on the ballot November 3.

These candidates are Judge Jennifer Brunner and Judge John O'Donnell (each running for a separate seat). They bring an amazing wealth of experience and knowledge to the important job of Ohio Supreme Court Justice.


Blaze and other holiday events getting closer

Volunteers invited to help set up Ream display in early November

“You can’t stop Christmas from coming.”

That’s this year’s appropriate theme for Bluffton covid-19 readjusted  Blaze of Lights.  You can thank the Grinch for the theme and you can watch for more pre-season holiday events in the plans from the chamber.

Nov. 6-7 – Bluffton downtown holiday open house. In addition, The Dough Hook and Shirley’s will hold customer appreciation days on Nov. 7.


Grief support group and recovery method course available

Monday evenings beginning Oct. 26 in Bluffton

Your feelings are normal and natural. 

The problem is that we have been socialized to believe that these feelings are abnormal and unnatural, says Chris Schilling of Bluffton.

Schilling is an ordained minister, hospital and Air Force Reserve chaplain, and an Advanced Grief Recovery Method (GRM) specialist.

Later this month, he will lead a secular educational, evidence-based program that helps persons with unresolved grief in their lives.


Stay tuned to this site

What was formerly "enter at your own risk" will soon transform into an actual "welcome to Bluffton" invitation to the Bentley Road-Interstate 75 entrance to the village. Thanks to efforts from the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, village, plus volunteer work from Bluffton Stone Co., this entrance to the village is undergoing a transformation into something worthwhile. Stay tuned.

Community garage sale up for grabs

Shannon Service Club will no longer sponsor the late February event

 Interested in sponsoring a huge community garage sale?

The Shannon Service Club of Bluffton will no longer sponsor the community garage sale, craft show and chicken barbecue held each February.

Duane Bollenbacher of the club told the Icon, “We are announcing it at this time, hoping that some group or organization may continue this project for the betterment of Bluffton and surrounding communities.  

“We always held it the last weekend of February, and those dates are still open at The Centre.” 

