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School testing on the elementary calendar over the next six weeks

There's lots of events scheduled, including testing, during the next six weeks in the Buffton elementary. Here's   a list of some of those activities.

For more elementary news, open the attachment at the bottom of this page - it's the February newsletter.

20th - Midterms go home with students
23rd - 5th and 6th grade quiz bowl tourney, 4:30 p.m., Shawnee MS
23rd-25th - Grades 4-5 English/Language Arts Performance Based Assessments
26th-27th - Grades 3-5 Math Performance Based Assessments

2nd -  5th and 6th grade quiz bowl tourney, 4:30 p.m., Shawnee MS
2nd -  PTO Meeting, 6:30 p.m. – Elementary library
3rd -  Performance Based Assessment – 4th grade Social Studies and 5th Grade Science
9th - Market Day pick up in M.S. Cafetorium, 5 - 6 p.m.
17th - Spring Picture Day
20th - End of third grading period
20th - Music Boosters chicken barbecue
Monday-Friday 23rd -  Second grade testing
27th - Grade Cards go home with students
