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Those first moments of the first day of school - 14 photos tell the story

One of Bluffton’s rites of passage is entrance to first grade. In many ways it is a complete circle of the community.

There’s clothing to select, supplies to purchase, photos to take, classmates to meet, jitters (for students and parents) and the excitement of something new.

The Icon went to school with two cameras, plus a cell phone, to record the event.
Our photos below show several aspects of the first moments of the first day.

You'll see Adelyn Althaus, entering the first grade, poses beside a tree planted several years ago in memory of her grandmother, Irene Althaus, who for a quarter of a century was secretary in the elementary building.

There are many other stories shown in photos - parents bidding farewell to students and student bidding farewell to summer.

The school day of school is special for all students. The Icon watched as two high school girls had their photo taken in front of the elementary “because it’s a first-day tradition” for them.

Please enjoy our photo scrapbook of 2016-17 first moments of the first day of school - and to add to the fun, there was a two-hour fog delay.
