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Volleyball moves to 4-0 in the HCAC

By: Samantha Granger, sports information assistant


Bluffton's own C. Henry Smith remains a model for Mennonites, biographer says

In the first half of the 20th century, Dr. C. Henry Smith wrote three books that were “the vehicles by which generations of Mennonites learned their history,” says Dr. Perry Bush, a Bluffton University professor of history.

Now, nearly 75 years after the last of Smith’s histories of the Mennonites was published, Bush has written a biography subtitled “The Mennonite History of C. Henry Smith”—a man who spoke to his, and our, times, Bush notes, while modeling the emerging role of Mennonite public intellectual.

No swimming today

There will be no swimming today, or tomorrow, for that matter. Prep work took place this week on the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool. The prep work is in anticipation of a new paint job for the pool. The old paint was removed by Solutions for You, a firm from Lancaster.

Ohio Has Talent! auditions set for Nov. 13-14

Auditions for the ninth annual Ohio Has Talent! competition will be held Nov. 13-14, 5-9 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Friends Church in Van Wert.

Audition applications are available at and are due by Oct. 30.

The top acts will perform in the March 5, 2016, show at Niswonger Performing Arts Center in Van Wert. All entertainment talents are welcome including single and group acts. Talents beyond singing and dancing are especially encouraged to audition.


Steiner and Granger: Third quarter market review - July to September

Steiner & Granger
141 N. Main St
P.O. Box 28
Bluffton, OH 45817
[email protected]

The Markets

Volatility returned to the equities markets in the third quarter, impacted by economic stress in China (the world's second largest economy) and Greece, coupled with underwhelming corporate earnings reports and falling energy stock prices.


Is Bluffton haunted? Find out what the ParaSister know about Bluffton that we don't know

Is Bluffton haunted? 

Perhaps, only portions of the village. Maybe just the Bluffton Public Library.

Paranormal investigators, ParaSisters, will answer this question during a 6:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 24, presentation at the Bluffton Public Library. 

Click here for their Facebook.

Their program will offer evidence procured from their September investigation of Bluffton Public Library.
