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BHS students' chance to donate blood on Thursday

Bluffton’s next American Red Cross blood drive is from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Thursday, March 20, in the new gym at Bluffton High. All donors receive a t-shirt.


Richard Ramseyer honored by Lions as its citizen of the year

A Bluffton resident who “has worked tirelessly and mostly behind the scenes to make Bluffton a better place to live,” is the 2013 Bluffton Lions Club citizen of the year.

Richard Ramseyer, long-time community promoter, received the honor by the club this week. He will be recognized at a dinner on April 15 at First Mennonite Church.

Ramseyer’s involvement in Bluffton touches countless aspect of the community. The Illinois native came to Bluffton when he attended and graduated from Bluffton College in the mid-1950s.


My serve

No one played tennis last week, but this week's different. Luke Headings, member of the Bluffton High School boys' tennis team, gets ready with a practice serve on the Howe Tennis Courts after a long winter.

Were any of these guys your bus driver?


Were any of these guys your school bus driver? Here's the Bluffton school bus drivers from the 1964 BHS yearbook.

From left, Mr. Basinger, Dave Lughibihl, Mr. Zimmerman, Kenneth Krautter, Raymond Powell, Rev. Unruh, Francis Williams and Keith Brauen.

The Icon would appreciate knowing from viewers, who drive which bus number.

Grace Mennonite community garden reservations accepted

The community garden at Grace Mennonite Church in Pandora is now taking reservations for the 2014 gardening season. Plots are 30 x 35 feet in size and are located on the grounds of the church building at 502 East Main Street, Pandora.

Water is available periodically during the summer. A donation of $30 is suggested for use of the plot. To reserve a garden plot, phone Carolyn at 419-384-3829.

These plots have been prepared as a community service to Pandora, Bluffton, and other area communities. Anyone who is interested in gardening is welcome.


15th BHS academic banquet March 18

Bluffton High School's 15th annual academic letter banquet is at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 18, in the Bluffton middle school cafetorium.

Students  must have cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher to receive an academic letter.

Ten BHS seniors will make presentations. They are: Jonah Bourassa, Landon Cluts, Luke Headings, Andrew Hoff, Jonatan Moser, Trent Phillips, Ryan Sprague, Billy Theisen, Stephen Tatarkov and Aaron Wannemacher.

The entire list of students receiving academic letters is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

