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Bluffton Public Library

Student Art Launch Party and Showcase at Bluffton Public Library

In honor of Student Art Month, this year’s Student Art Showcase begins with a Launch Party on Thursday, March 5 at 6 p.m.!
Join us for refreshments and check out the creative work from our young community! Students’ artwork will then be on display for the rest of the month. Art teachers from area schools have made art selections for their students and submitted them for this event. A selection of homeschool student art will also be included, as submitted by parents.

Become a friend of the library

Friends of the Bluffton Public Library donated over $3,700 last year

The Friends of the Bluffton Public Library group have donated over $3,700 for library programs, needs and projects this past year.

The Friends of the Library is a service organization, run by volunteers, whose main goal is to raise money for programs that can no longer be funded by the library board, due to cuts in state funding. Programs include early literacy; summer reading, youth and adult programs; outreach and staff development.

Free Mobile Health Clinic on Friday in Bluffton

Ohio Northern University students and licensed medical staff of ONU’s Healthwise Program will visit the Bluffton Public Library for a free Mobile Health Clinic on Friday, Feb. 28, from 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Receive free screenings for blood pressure, osteoporosis, blood sugar, and cholesterol (please fast for 12 hours to participate in cholesterol or blood sugar screening).

Participants may discuss their results or concerns, and even receive referrals to area doctors. No registration is necessary.

Library's short month is long on programming

Repair clinic, origami, storytime, watercolor workshop - and more

February is a short month, but long on activities at the Bluffton Public Library. Here's a summary of events taking place for the remainder of the month.

Join us for a ​Free Repair Clinic​ on Saturday, Feb. 15, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. led by T​ransition Bluffton.​ Everyone is welcome. Bring in your small household appliances, electronics, clothes, bikes, etc., and skilled volunteers with Transition Bluffton will assist you with troubleshooting, fixing, or mending items, if able.

A Repair Clinic with Transition Bluffton to be held at Bluffton Public Library

Join us for a free repair clinic on Feb. 15 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. led by Transition Bluffton!

Everyone is welcome. Bring in your small household appliances, electronics, clothes, bikes, etc., and skilled volunteers with Transition Bluffton will assist you with troubleshooting, fixing, or mending items, if able.

No registration is necessary, and the clinic will take place in the library's lower level meeting room. Participants may come any time during the 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. window.

Help reduce landfill waste by attending this Repair Clinic!

Climate change workshop Saturday

Presented by Citizen's Climate Lobby

Are you concerned about climate change?

Become a Climate Advocate by joining the Citizen’s Climate Lobby (CCL), a nationwide bipartisan group, dedicated to lobbying Congress for climate solutions.

Anyone interested should attend the Climate Advocate Training workshop on Saturday, Feb. 8 at the library (in the Monroe Room) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Representatives from CCL will cover their mission and values, history and successes, the structure of local chapters, and relevant skills. This workshop is part of establishing a local CCL chapter.
