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Holiday Buyers' Guide to Video Games

By Andr'e Swartley

Holiday Buyers' Guide to Video Games

Day 2: PC Games

My earliest memory of playing video games at home is watching my brother play Space Invaders on our Texas Instruments TI-99 home computer. I was born in 1979 and the TI-99 was released in 1981, so the timeline fits pretty well. At any rate, for the next 25 years or so, I played all of my games on PC.


"Healthy" energy bars?

From the blog of Mary Pannabecker Steiner

Runners run races for many reasons, but what gets most of us through them is the promise of something edible at the finish line. Today's Run for the Turkeys 5K was no different, although in my case I was hoping most for plain old water. Mary Ann wanted coffee. I got water, she got coffee, and we both took a few of the "energy bars" laid out on the post-run table. True to form, though, neither of us ate them.


Holiday Buyers' Guide to Video Games

By Andr'e Swartley

Holiday Buyers' Guide to Video Games


Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish

Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish Recipe Tradition

Every year on the Friday before Thanksgiving NPR revisits Mama Stamberg and her cranberry relish. This recipe sounds terrible, but is great! Add this to your holiday table, then sit back and wait for the comments.

Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish

2 cups whole raw cranberries, washed

1 small onion

3/4 cup sour cream

1/2 cup sugar

2 tablespoons horseradish from a jar ("red is a bit milder than white")


Cutting out the middle man

By Jason Cox

Find more articles by Jason Cox on his blog at

The Internet has re-invented how we live in many ways - we send and receive mail instantly, we can read our news without the risk of a paper cut, and now we can borrow and lend money directly to each other.

While this may not be a novel idea (you still owe me $5, Jim), it is a novel idea to make peer to peer lending easy, legal, and with relatively low risk.


A Dog Story

By Tanya Pike
Author's Note: I have two dogs, Oliver and Samson - both mutts and both spoiled rotten. They find all kinds of ways to get into trouble on a regular basis.

"Hey Sammy," Oliver whispered. "Sam! Come over here! I got an idea!"

Oliver was standing next to the cover of the crawlspace that led under the house. The concrete patio was covered in mud and the sky was dripping rain. The door to the crawlspace had fallen open and Oliver had one eye on the pink insulation hiding inside there and the other eye on his brother Sam.

