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Sept. 9 next Maple Crest Sunday buffet

The next Maple Crest Senior Living, Bluffton, Sunday buffet is Sept. 9, according to Daren Lee, director of Maple Crest.
The menu includes:
o Parmesan crusted tilapia
?o Chicken with mushroom sauce?
o Rice pilaf?
o Glazed baby carrots
?o Apple crisp
o coffee and iced tea.


MMH's concert on the lawn


A beautiful summer evening set the tone for Mennonite Memorial Home’s annual “Concert on the Lawn” on Aug. 19.  This year’s concert featured Pantasia, a steel drum from Findlay High School. 

Residents, family members and community members gathered to enjoy the Caribbean sounds brought by Pantasia.  Kids, both young and old, tapped their toes and danced to the upbeat rhythms. 


Kassandra Chiles, Luke Amstutz win football contest week 2; Duane Bollenbacher contest leader

There was a five-way tie for first place in this week's Icon Football Contest. Jim Dillman, Kassandra Chiles, Luke Amstutz, Marc Shaner and Roger Steffan all correctly picked 13 of 15 games. Jim and Roger were eliminated by the first tie-breaker by picking Bluffton to win. Marc was eliminated by the second tie-breaker by picking Ada to win by 1-7 points. That leaves two tied.
Kassandra Chiles and Luke Amstutz both picked 13 games correctly and had the same two tie-breakers.
Other contestants:


"Full Sound" chamber group performs Sunday evening at Maple Crest

"Full Sound" chamber group will perform a concert at 6:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 2, in the Maple Crest Patio Room. The performance is open to the public with no admission charge.
The chamber group iincludes five classically-trained musicians performing on violin, viola, cello, double bass and piano.
Composers whose music will be performed includes Bach, Weidig and Dobrzynski. In addition, Scott Joplin's "Maple Leaf Rag," and John Zundel's hymn "Love Divine," will be performed.


Maple Crest September calendar on The Icon

The September Maple Crest calendar is now available for Icon viewers. The calendar is a printer friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.


MMH worship schedule for September available

The September Mennonite Memorial Home worship service schedule is now available:
Sunday services are at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday services are at 6:30 p.m. Both are in the chapel on the second floor.
Sept. 2 - Chaplain Bill Herr
Sept. 9 - Dave Thompson
Sept. 16 - Chaplain Bill Herr
Sept. 23 - Duane Bollenbacher
Sept. 30 - Elizabeth Kelly
Sept. 4 - Bryant Miller, First United Methodist Church
Sept. 11 - Kevin Mohr, English Lutheran Church
Sept. 18 - Louise Wideman, First Mennonite Church

