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Letter: Presidential transition needed to protect America

The election is over, and President Trump lost

Icon viewers:
President Trump is trying to steal the election.

He's making false claims of fraud and refusing to help the transition to President-Elect Biden. That transition process should include briefings for President-Elect Biden  on national security and on the federal response to the pandemic, among other issues. President Trump is blocking those briefings.

The losers here are the American people.


1962-63 Bluffton school board

Here is the Bluffton school board during the 1962-63 school year. Seated from left, Woodrow Little, Robert Barnett, Paul Steiner, Wade Huber, Arden Baker and Dr. Howard Shelly. Standing is A.B. Murray, superintendent.

Last week's Icon poll results

Here's last week's Icon poll results

Take this week's poll asking for your Thanksgiving dinner plans as affected by covid-19. Click here to take this week's poll.


Signs of the time

Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce has installed several directional signs in the community this fall. These point to the downtown retail area, where to park and, at the edge of town near the interstate, directions on where to shop and dine, Bluffton University, Bluffton Hospital and Bluffton Family Recreation.

In Bluffton everyone loves a good lie, with a twist of fabrication

In Bluffton everyone loves a good lie, with a twist of fabrication and a bit of exaggeration told by someone who can pull it off successfully. 

Bluffton Anthology is not a book about Bluffton lies or Bluffton hearsay.  

All the stories really happened. Some are remembered correctly and some are remembered as we wished they happened. 

It took seven years but we checked the facts and got everything right – at least we think we so. The big question we ask ourselves would this book pass the Chuck Hilty, Dick Jordan and Sam Dilller test?


Forgotten Bluffton: The Bixel family's goats

Gordon was an optometrist here from the 1930s to 1960s

Note: Have you ever wonder why Bluffton has so many large old "garages" in some of the older neighborhoods? The reason is that these building housed a range of animals from horses, cows, chickens and even goats. This story is about one family and their goats.

Before there was a Dr. Alan Yoder, optometrist, in Bluffton, there was a Dr. Gordon Bixel, optometrist.

His tenure checking Bluffton’s eye dated back to the 1930s all the way to his retirement in the mid-1960s.

