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Ada new church window

No, it's not a Bluffton church window. However, it is a church window. This one is in Ada. the theme is God's spirit ascending as a dove. The window is in the sanctuary of the new First United Methodist Church, Ada. The church opened on Ash Wednesday.

Annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive May 9

On Saturday, May 9, letter carriers in Bluffton and Beaverdam will participate in the Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. The nationwide food drive is the largest one-day food collection in the country, filling food pantries and food banks.

To participate, place non-perishable food items or paper products and or toiletries in bags and leave by your mailbox early Saturday morning or drop them off at the Bluffton post office.


Now retired farmers of America

Here's the Bluffton High School Future Farmers of America from the 1956-57 school year. Names of members are on the photo. Wonder what the price of corn was 58 crops ago?


Ray Person talks about cooperative farm on May 5

The Gardeners of America Club meeting is Tuesday May 5, at the Bluffton Public Library at 6:30 p.m. 

Ray Person of the Cooperative Farm in Pandora will present a power point program on gardening and raising livestock.

"Join us to be inspired and educated by his wealth of experience so that our efforts in our gardens might result in better outcomes. Come with questions," said Anita Darnell of the club. 


Phil Kingsley: Communicating with "the blink of an eye"

The current issue of "The Visioneer," a publication of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, is now on The Icon. The lead article follows. To view the entire issue open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Phil Kingsley, author of the following reflection, communicates using smart technology. “My speech generation computer enables me to (communicate) with blinks of my left eye,” he states.

