Mayor wants former car wash at Vance-Elm cleaned up
Bluffton Mayor Fred Rodabaugh would like to have the now-closed car wash at the corner of Vance and Elm cleaned up. In a 20-minute Bluffton council meeting on Aug. 9, where little action except reports were given, the mayor closed the meeting stating:" I want something done (about the former car wash). It's a commercial area they (the owners) are ignoring. We've sent them letters. They haven't done anything for six months.
Following the meeting Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, told The Icon that the village had previously granted the owners a variance to change the former car wash into a storage building. The never occurred.
In other council action, Mehaffie provided updates on several summer projects.
"I spoke with Clayton Bacon and, despite numerous problems on both sides of North Dixie Highway, he is scheduled to submit the annexation survey to the Allen County Tax Map office on Aug. 10," said Mehaffie.
Concerning the water plant demolition on Triplett Drive, Mehaffie said the demolition would take place this week.
He informed council that he has contracted with Right of Way Management to spray the drainage ditch at the airport to get control of the vegetation that is overgrown there. The initial application will cost $1,400.
Mehaffie said a tree commission meeting would be set in the next few weeks. The discussion will involve a grant project and the fall tree planting in the village.
"I am planning on using the grant money in both the 2010 and 2011 budget years," he said.
Fall street paving will soon be on the council's agenda. Mehaffie plans to meet soon with Mike Gerken of Bluffton Stone Co.
Council okayed a petition from Bluffton University to vacate an alley located between Spring Street and College Avenue. The alley has not been maintained for many years and no longer served a public purpose.
The following council-related meetings were set:
Aug. 16 - Finance committee, 11 a.m.
Aug. 16 - Safety committee, 7:30 a.m.
Aug. 16 - Water Advisory Board (in Glandorf), 7:30 p.m.
Aug. 23 - Streets and alleys committee, 7:30 p.m.
Aug. 23 - Council, 8 p.m.
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